The Case of the Missing Socks
There are certain universal mysteries that every human ponders upon. Perhaps you wonder what's so special about the Bermuda triangle, or think about the existence of aliens. However, perhaps the most pervasive mystery within our day-to-day lives is simply the presence – or lack thereof — of our missing socks.
In 2017, Samsung commissioned a study on missing socks. In it, they found that on average, people lose 1.3 socks a month, more than 15 a year, and up to 1,264 missing socks in an expected lifetime - leaving mismatched pairs, a trail of tears and broken hearts. This is clearly a dilemma we need our best minds working on and our sockologists here at Sockologie think we've come up with the most common reasons for why your socks go missing…well, aside from being transported into another dimension.

1. They’re under your bed
Everyone knows that when you are sleeping, you usually take off your socks. If you don't, they end up finding their way off your feet anyway. However, when you're making your bed, they may fall off and stay under the bed, all alone in the dark. Check under your bed every once in a while. The space underneath your bed is a black hole that consumes anything that falls into it. If you're not careful, your socks will be sucked in without you knowing it. Show your socks that you truly care about them, and that you will never leave them in the dark again.
2. They’re lodged in a laundry room crevice
This one is fairly self-explanatory. When you are transferring your giant mound of clothes from the washer to the dryer (because two trips are for those who are weak), your socks can often get stuck between the small cracks in the laundry room that you never check. If you find your sock there, chances are you'll also find some new found wealth in loose change, lost credit cards you swear were stolen, and most likely the ugliest bunnies of them all - dust bunnies
3. They’re stuck on other pieces of clothing
Socks are social creatures. You stick socks on yourself and they stick on you - it's a codependent relationship you can't quit. They're constantly getting stuck on different types of clothing thanks to their best friend, static electricity. That's why it's important to make sure that you don't have any socks stuck on your work outfit, lest you find a pair of funny llama socks falling off of your suit jacket while you're giving a big presentation.
4. They’ve become your pet’s favorite toy
Pets can be your best friend, your lifelong companions, and even your family, but they can also be unabashed thieves. Your favorite little kleptomaniacs may steal your socks to play with, sleep on, or even just stash. Who could blame them? You clearly have excellent taste in socks! Just like all the cute socks you can find in our fun animal socks collection
5. They just needed a break, buddy. They’ll be back soon
Your favorite pair of socks go through a lot. They're pulled and stretched and get stepped on weekly...sometimes daily if you're that type of person. With all that attention and sometimes abuse, your socks need some of their own me time. They just need a moment to breathe, relax and take a break. It's not you, it's them. Just give them a bit of time and they'll find the way back to you.
6. Sock Gnomes Got a Hold of Them
Those pesky gnomes lie in wait for their chance to sneak up on your sock drawer and steal a pair or two . What they do with the socks, we know not. Sockologist have not been able to prove their existence, but any explained mysteries in the universe, such as missing socks, can easily be attributed to gnomes.